Introduction: Swami Bhakti - Why and
How? |
I receive this question may times – How should I perform Swami Samarth’s Bhakti?
How can I receive Swami’s Krupa or divine grace in my life? What should I do so
that Swami is pleased with my Bhakti? The answer is given by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad
Gita "If one offers me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water,
I will accept it". Bhakti is any offering to God with love from the bottom of your
heart. The same goes about Swami Samarth Bhakti – anything offered to Swami Samarth
with true love and devotion is his Bhakti. It is that simple.
There are also several people who send me their problems that are spiritual as well
as material. I offer them only one solution, only one medicine – Swam Samarth’s
Bhakti. Why? ...because Swami Bhakti is the ultimate medicine that works on all
sorts of problems, it has worked for past 135 years and it will continue to work
in the future. I have experienced it myself and with many others. (Example:
Spiritual bhakti medicine and
Material bhakti medicine.)
Here is an effort to explain how to perform Swami Samarth Bhakti to receive his
divine grace.
This page is created for those who want to do Swami Bhakti for Spiritual and material
progress in the long term. If you have serious material problem and have done many
efforts to solve particular problem in your life and nothing else has worked you
should visit this page:
Miracle Cure – Experience Swami Samarth’s promise to you!!
First -
What is Bhakti? |
Bhakti is supreme devotion, it is experience of divine love. Bhakti is a beautiful
way to show love for the God. Bhakti
is unconditional love towards the supreme. Bhakti Yoga is spiritual practice based
on love and devotion towards God. It is done to evolve yourself continually to get nearer to the God. It is simple love for God.
God is all about
overcoming doubts of our mind. Bhakti Yoga is simplest of the Yogas
to attain this goal. Bhakti helps remove doubts. Mind stabilizes as doubts disappear,
which further enhances the Bhakti...slowly the water gets clearer and clearer....where
eventually you see your own image (Self). Till that time you must continue to believe that
God is somewhere outside. Till that time you must follow one Guru, one God
or one Principal. Once the duality of mind is dissolved, Bhakta can see the same
Divine principal in all forms of God which eventually merge into one, single divine
entity once again – The Self – This is the self-Realization!
Bhakti Yoga is a progressive path; devotee starts by giving some of what he does or has to Ishta-Devata (one’s preferred form of God) and ends with offering everything
to him. Bhakti is essential for attaining Gyan (Knowledge of Self). Para (highest
level) of Bhakti leads devotee into Maha-Bhava. Para (supreme) Bhakti and Gyan are
one and the same. In Maha-Bhava devotee is unconscious of his body and the world.
Finally, devotee attains a state where Gyan and Bhakti become one. Devotee
is absolutely merged in God. There is no difference left between Bhakta and the God. This is the
destination of Bhakti Yoga.
Bhakti Yoga: What is Bhakti and How to do Bhakti?
Why do I always suggest Swami Bhakti and not any other Guru or Avatar Bhakti? |
because Swami Bhakti is the most powerful medicine for every problem in this
world..and this medicine works every time, all the times. It never fails! Read here:
Swami Bhakti is most powerful medicine for every problem. Also read:
What is use of God who can't help? He must Help & Protect
Swami Bhakti
– How to perform "Navavidha" Bhakti of Shri Swami Samarth? |
There are nine principles of devotional service (Navavidha Bhakti) described to
help devotee remain constantly in touch with God. All nine forms of Bhakti should
be deployed to attain Swami Samarth’s Bhakti and receive his divine grace. Prayer,
Pooja (worship), Seva (service) Japa (repetition of Swam Samarth’s name), Kirtan
(chanting Swami Songs), Anusandhan (conscious remembrance of Swami), meditation,
self- surrender and spiritual reading should be employed while performing Swami
Samarth Bhakti.
The simplest and most important forms of Swami Samarth Bhakti include - Swami Naam/Japa,
Seva, Spiritual reading and listening to devotional songs of Swami Samarth.
All forms of Bhakti bring the same results.
At the same time each form of Bhakti
is different and appeals differently to devotee’s mind and character. Swami devotees
should try to use as many forms of devotion as possible. This reduces monotonous nature of Bhakti in the initial stages and helps devotee’s mind remain focused on
Below I have listed various Bhakti forms. Each of them will help you maintain and increase devotion towards Shri Swami
Samarth. I have also mentioned overall importance of the form of Bhakti in the category
for each of them.
Please try to bring variation in your Bhakti methods. Use best combination of various
approaches I have suggested below. Use little of everything. Variation helps remove
the monotonous nature of Bhakti (in the initial stages). Use method of listening
to devotional songs when you are travelling or busy with other chores of your day.
That way you can still be doing Bhakti effortlessly and continously.
Worshiping Swami Photo and Swami
Charan-Kamal (lotus feet) (Category - Extremely
important) |
Guru's feet are termed as Charan Kamal (lotus-feet) in the religious scriptures.
The lotus-feet is a metaphor for the divine feet of the God,
Avatar or Guru. The
true meaning of the phrase "lotus feet" is transcendental, not readily grasped
by Buddhi (intellect) alone. Worshiping one's Ishta-Devata, in true sense, is an effort
of unconditional surrender at the lotus feet of the God or Guru. Devotee expresses
surrender, humility, devotion, dedication and love by worshiping and meditating upon the lotus feet of his form of God (Ista-Devata) or Guru. This way a communion with the Guru is established easily. Bhakta (devotee)
should set aside all his intellect,
ego and wisdom and fall at the feet of the God or Guru. If Bhakta’s thoughts
are centered on the feet of the Guru, he will get all his desires fulfilled – spiritual
and material both. There is absolutely no doubt about this. It is said, that
the spiritual master plants his lotus feet in the heart of the disciple. Therefore,
worshiping Guru's Charan-Kamal is the best possible form of Bhakti in my view.
Once you understand the importance of worshiping Charan Kamal of the God, here is how you do it.
How to worship Swami Samarth and his lotus feet?
First, properly place Shri Swami Samarth's photo in your Puja-Ghar (with Pratishthapana
You can buy required Swami Photo from India (anywhere in Maharashtra) or you can find one online. Here are
couple of pictures that are ideal for Swami Bhakti.
Swami Samarth - The Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh-Shiva |
"Fear Not I am with you" – Swami Samarth's Promise to his Devotees! |
This is the FIRST Photograph of Swami Samarth,
taken by the Kodak Company’s photographer - Read story behind Swami's photo by Kodak |
This is the most latest and probably the LAST photo of Swami Samarth. |
You should perform Swami Puja every morning using the photo you have installed.
(Refer to internet
sources on how to do Puja if you don’t know one.) You can continue
doing your other devatas pooja if you do it regularly. After performing Swami Puja, sit
before Swami for 5 to 15 minutes in the morning every day (and also in the evening if you can). Keep your eyes open while sitting before Swami and gaze steadily at Swami’s Charan (lotus
feet) in the photo. Gazing at swami's Charan-Kamal
for as long as you can is an extremely important step here. Try to bring Sharan Bhava (inner feeling of surrender) in your thoughts and mind. Perform Swami Japa
constantly while you gaze at his feet (loud enough so that
you can hear it). Use one of the two following Swami Japas - Japa One: "Maharaj
Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth", Japa two:
"Maharaj Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth". If it is hard for
you to pronounce the Japa you can listen to it
in the initial period, until you master it.
Following is the most important photograph for those who perform Swami Bhakti. These
is picture of his lotus feet. Entire
universe has merged at the feet of Swami. Worshiping and surrendering
at the feet of Swami is the highest form of Bhakti one can attain
towards Swami. There is no other Bhakti in the world that is higher than worshiping Swami’s Charan-Kamal.
Swami Charan-Kamal (lotus feet): Most important photo for those who perform Swami

Swami Original
Paduka in Akkalkot Math
If you worship Swami's lotus-feet and if your thoughts are consistently centered
at the feet of Swami, you will be protected by Swami all the times. That is promise
given by Swami. All your material and spiritual desires will be fulfilled
eventually. Note the word "eventually".
That also means fulfillment of desires does not happen instantaneously, so please
dont expect miracles to happen after efforts of few weeks to perform Swami Bhakti.
It takes sincere and consistent efforts of decades to be abel to surrender successfully
at the feet of God. The God will take care of your world once you surrender fully
and unconditionally.
Spiritual reading – Swami Charitra
and Leela (Category - extremely important) |
Spiritual reading and reading of Sant Charitra (biography of Saints) is an extremely
important form of Bhakti. When you immerse your mind and heart in spiritual books,
you will always be filled, because spiritual reading gives you foundation in Divinity
and deep understanding of God.
Devotee should read often and insatiably all the books about spiritual masters (Sant
Charitra). Saints are Jivanmuktas who have liberated themselves from miserable cycle
of life and death. They are no different than God. Their life is an example for
others to follow. For Bhakta reading of Charitras is perhaps equivalent to Bhakti
itself. Reading of Sant Charitra is easier way to help fight temptations and desires
in life.
Spiritual books can guide you like a Guru. Throughout the spiritual journey a devotee
will always have many questions and doubts about the path they are travelling. Many
times Bhakta feels lost in the path of divinity (this is an inevitable part of the
process). Spiritual reading reestablishes confidence about the God in the mind of
Bhakta. It helps resolve many questions and doubts about the path and God. Bhakta
should learn to see a Guru in spiritual book. This is more true when you read Sant
Charitras. It works like light in a dark street. In absence of lights (spiritual
reading) many Sadhak feel lost. Books of Gurus and Saints help like mother-is-holding-hand-of-a-child.
Spiritual reading also helps keep the mind focused on Bhakti which is extremely
important because Bhakta's mind will always drag him towards material joys of the
life. Spiritual reading works like a goad that brings the elephant (of mind) back
on his track (of divinity).
Several books have been written about Swami Samarth and his Leelas (miracles). Here
are few suggested readings about Swami Samarth. If you are Marathi, I will suggest
you to read book named "Swami Raja" by Leela Gole when you get chance. This book
will certainly help you raise your faith level. There is another book named "A Glimpse
of Divinity: Shri Swami Samarth Maharaj of Akkalkot" by Mukund M. Hanumante, Ph.D.
(search on google for this book). This will provide answers to the perpetual quest
of maniind for perfect peace and happiness. I am sure there are several other
Swami Charitra's are available throughout Maharashtra.
If you prefer English, here is one book by N S Karandikar
on the Web that you will find very useful (search on google for this book).
You should also read books about Shri Sripad Srivallabh (First Purna Avatar of Shri
Dattatreya - 1320), Shri Nrisiha Sarasvati (1378 − 1458) and Shri Manik Prabhu (1817
- 1865) when possible. All these books will help you strengthen your Bhakti. I would
also encourage you to read Sant Charitras about several other Saints as well. God
resides in each of the Jivanmukta (liberated soul). Every page read about Saints
(Jivanmuktas) will illuminate your path towards God and Swami Samarth.
The best approach is to start reading about Swami at least one page every day. Do not read entire Charitra in one day.
Read very little at a time, think over it, contemplate, let your mind engage in
the message from it, let it stay in your
mind for the day. You will get many questions resolved this way. That will bring
stability and direction to your thoughts to some extent. When you read Swami's Charitra
you must evince unflinching devotion from the bottom of your heart devotion to Swami.
Swami Meditation (optional)
This is not really necessary but you can do meditation of Shri Swami Samarth daily
if your time permits and you like meditation. 10 minutes sitting before Shri Swami
Photo every day (with closed eyes) is sufficient initially. Try to think of Swami
and his lotus feet during the meditation. Do Swami Japa during the meditation. This
should be a silent Japa in the mind only. (Shri Swami Jaap/Naam - "Maharaj Shri
Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth, Shri Swami Samartha Jai Jai Swami Samarth!!"
(visit video link Swami Samarth: Mantra, Bhajan, Aartis, Jaap, Naam: Video Collection)
You can increase time slowly. Additional 5 minutes every 6 months is good enough.
It is extremely important to maintain the consistency of meditation rather than
doing it for longer time every day. Consistent (daily) worship of smaller duration
is much more powerful than longer duration worship done occasionally (once a week).
– Conscious awareness of his presence in everything you do (Very important) |
This is not an easy process and takes several years/decades to attain the state
of Anusandhana. This state of mind can be achieved only when we take one step at
a time for several decades to several lives.
In Anusandhan, Bhakta has absolute faith that Shri Swami Samarth he is never away
from him (absolutely never). If you attain that state you will feel every moment
Swami is with you as long as you are able to stay in the state of his Anusandhan.
Swami is away from you only when you are away from him (actually in those situations
too he is there with you.) Try to devote your Karma-Phala (fruit of your actions)
to Shri Swami Samarth. Non-ownership of Karma-Phala is primary goal of Karma Yoga.
Think that your intellect and decisions are coming from Swami. Obviously you will
have to keep all your actions pure, divine and virtuous that way. Think that everything
you have received in your life (good or bad) is Swami's will (desire). Everything
happens only because of his will. Try to be happy and contented with you have
in your life. Swami will help you where it is necessary to get more. It's him who
decides what is important for you. Try to get rid of the doer-ship Bhava (ego) out
of your actions and achievements. Dont be discontented because you have to do your
Karma (of material world). Karma is extremely important because it keeps purifying
your heart; it helps you keep on track of the Divine.
Nam-Japa (Important)
Japa transforms the nature of the mind, fills mind with Sattva Bhava (divine purity).
During Japa all the divine qualities steadily flow into your mind from the God.
Japa calms mind and diverts intellect towards divine qualities. Japa slowly wipes
out bad Vasanas (tendencies) and Samskaras (mental impressions) and gives Vairagya
(dispassion) and Viveka (wisdom) to the Bhakta. Constant Japa and
prayers purify mind and it is filled with pure and divine thoughts. He who thinks
of divinity is transformed into divinity itself. When the mind thinks of Swami Samarth
during Japa, the mind will actually assumes the form of Swami’s image.
Bhakta should perform Swami Naam Japa throughout the day when you can remember.
Japa must continue during your work/study also. It can be done in mind when you
are with other people. When you are alone you should do it loud (so that you can
clearly heat it.) Your mind will try to divert towards worldly matters, but you
must continue to bring it back with Japa. Slowly you will gain control over your
mind and you will be able to focus your mind and do Japa easily. Repetition of Swami
Samarth Mantra removes the dirt of the mind. Japa helps Bhakta slowly overcome Shadripus
(six enemies) - Kama (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (attachment), Ahankar
(ego) and Matsarya (envy)
A beginner should have a Japa-mala (rosary). Later on you can do Manasik Japa (mental
repetition). Pray for Swami’s mercy and grace. All miseries and agonies will come
to an end with Swami’s grace. Do Nam-Japa for at least 10 minutes in the morning
and evening every day. You will find the miraculous effect within a short time.
If you can repeat Swami Mantra for six hours daily, your heart will be purified
quickly. Swami Naam in itself will eradicate the disease of birth and death and
bestow on you liberation from the cycle birth and death.
Visit following page to choose Japa you would like -
Swami Samarth: Mantra, Bhajan, Aartis, Jaap, Naam: Video Collection
Listening to devotional songs (Category - extremely important)
Listening to Swami's devotional songs (Bhakti Geet) is one of the extremely important
steps in Swami Bhakti. I sometimes consider it even more important than Japa. Divine
songs & music are a great help for attaining God-realisation. Why
is it so important? Nam-Japa sometimes can be monotonous in the initial stages of Bhakti
Yoga, but devotional song remove the monotonicity of Nam-Japa. Listening to devotional
songs enable Bhakta to maintain Anusandhan (conscious remembrance) of Swami Samarth.
We are living Kali-Yuga (Iron Age or darkest age) and devotional songs are extremely
helpful in removing the darkness in our mind.
Therefore, listening to devotional
songs is one of the MOST powerful tools in Bhakti Yoga. In my view devotional songs are equivalent to Nam Japa in itself.
Fortunately there are several of Swami's devotional songs easily accessible on you-tube.
The more devotional songs of your Ista Devata (Swami in this case) available to
you, the more it will be useful for your spiritual progress.
Upload to your MP3 player as many Swami Samarth devotional songs as possible from
the following page. You should listen to them while you are travelling or driving
to & from work. Sometime it is difficult to do the Japa but listening songs
can be easy. This way you can still maintain Swami Anusandhan.
Swami Samarth: Mantra, Bhajan, Aartis, Jaap, Naam: Video Collection
Seva (service) at Shri Swami Samarth math (very important if you have access to
a Math near by the place you live) |
I will strongly suggest Seva (service) for those who have Swami Samarth Math nearby
their home or work place. You should visit Swami Math at least once a day if you
can. Try to do Seva at the Math if you can. Seva Bhava helps mind get trained in
removing ego and enables surrender before God.
Self-Surrender: Ultimate goal in Swami Bhakti & What Bhakta receives in return |
Always remember, Bhakta must walk towards God to attain God. Don’t expect God to
come to you. Swami stays in his own Swaroop (own-self). It is you who must do consistent
efforts to attain him. Ego and Desires are your biggest enemies. You can win both
with the help of Swami Bhakti by keeping objective of Self-surrender.
Self-surrender is the final goal of Bhakti Yoga. Self-surrender is the ultimate
form of Bhakti. In self-surrender individual soul (me) is united with the supreme
soul (Swami). Bhakti removed layers of Maya (illusion) of duality. Bhakti starts
with two and ends in one. The lover and the beloved become one. This is the pinnacle
point of Bhakti. You will enter into Samadhi (super-conscious blissful state) when
surrender is complete. Samadhi is what every Yogi craves for. You will achieve that
Samadhi (communion with the God) through Swami Bhakti after complete surrender.
Offer all your efforts, works and fruits to Swami in order to achieve that self-surrender.
Try not to have your own will. Say to Swami “I am yours, everything is yours, you
do everything for me, and I am just a tool in your hands Swami”
Internally you should not feel any other duty than Swami Bhakti. You should not
have independent existence apart from Swami Samarth. Swami will take care of all
your spiritual as well as material needs. I mean it absolutely. This is my personal
experience. The more you unfold yourself before Swami, the more grace you will receive
from him. The more you give, the more you will receive. Many times you will arrive
at a point where you don’t want anything for yourself, because everything you do
for you and your family will bring you pains, for you come to know that it’s him
who is leading your path. Any deviation of that path (towards ego and desires) is
painful for Bhakta at such a point.
You should not have any sensual craving, because you don’t have your own body; it
has been offered to Swami. You should feel the presence of Swami everywhere and
nothing else. In fact there comes a point where you will start feeling “You are
the Swami”. You will not feel a need to achieve anything once you realize that you
receiving Swami’s Grace.
He has no enemies or friends, for he has given himself up to God who has no enemies
or friends. He has no anxiety, for he has attained everything by attaining the grace
of God. He does not even have the thought of salvation - he merely wants God and
nothing but God.
Meera abandoned everything in love of Lord Krishna, she renounced her kingdom, husband,
relatives and friends. She remembered Lord Krishna all day and became one with him,
his Naam, his Swaroop. Her mind was always absorbed in Lord Krishna. Only then did
Lord shower His grace upon her.
How Lord Krishna protected Meera?
Meera's brother-in-law Vikramaditya, who later became king of Chittor, tried to
harm Meera in many ways: He mixed poison in the prasadam of Krishna and made her
drink it. But by Lord’s grace, prasadam changed it to Amrit. The Poison could not
kill Meera. Vikramaditya pinned iron nails in Meera's bed, but, again by God's grace
they turned into rose petals. As Meera explains in one of her couplets -
'शूल सेज राणा नै भेजी, दीज्यो मीरां सुलाय/सांझ भई मिरां सोवन लागी, मानों फूल बिछाय'
Vikramaditya placed snake in flower basket and told her that it was a gift from
him to her Lord, but when she opened there was flower garland.
Such is the power of Bhakti. Therefore, try to immerse yourself in Swami Bhakti
and Swami will do everything for you. God protects, Swami protects!!! Such is the
power of self-surrender.
What you should NOT DO in Bhakti? |
Bhakti is all about purifying one’s heart, mind, thoughts, speech and Karma. One
must follow certain rules in material life that will support this purification process.
Purification is not possible without dispassion, nonattachment and indifference
to sensual enjoyments. Sama (control of mind), Niyama (discipline), Pratyahara (withdrawal
of the senses), Dama (control of the senses), Uparati (turning away), Titiksa (endurance)
and Sraddha (faith), Sucha (internal and external purity) are extremely important
for Bhakta’s spiritual progress.
Below are the basic rules Bhakta is supposed to follow. I have given an exhaustive
list of things to avoid. All efforts must go together. Ultimate surrender in Bhakti
is simply not possible without following the rules.
Many people ask question - What if I am doing Bhakti and still cannot resist the
things/habits mentioned below? The answer is - The purification process will take
longer in your cases. As Bhakti gets stronger the person will slowly drop the bad
habits eventually. Do your best to avoid all of the things mentioned here.
Absolutely No adultery. Be honest to your family and the married partner (if you
are married).
Absolutely No non-veg, be strict vegetarian.
Absolutely No drugs.
Absolutely No liquor or beer.
Absolutely no gossips. STOP taking interest in cheap matters of others.
No eggs.
Stop watching movies (try to reduce if you cannot stop).
Stop singing movie songs (try to reduce if you cannot stop).
Don’t use leather. I know it is hard but try using alternatives to leather wherever
you can.
Try to avoid garlic, onion and spicy food.
- This may sound strange and extremely difficult: While you are walking always try
to keep your eyes down, closer to your feet. Why? As you see the world around, your
mind will dwell upon the things, attractions and distractions that you will observe
and think upon. This also means your mind will be engaged in worldly matters and
impressions (Maya). By keeping your eyes away from all these things you will be
able to focus more on Bhakti. My suggestion - Try the best you can.
…and most important – Do NOT lie. Try to be truthful all the times.
The more you will follow the above rules the closer you will be to the God, Swam
Samarth and the ultimate liberation (Mukti).