My heart is searching something. I do not know what I am searching for and what I really need. I am living fully a satisfied life. But search is inside. How to go in depth of ourselves and understand ourselves? I cannot understand about God. Stories about God seems as moral stories for life and not helpful in going in depth. Busy life situations making Yoga and Meditations impossible and uninterested. Can we attain God without Yoga or Mediation or Prayers? Why should God be searched inside? Can we not search God externally? Internal and external are something or different one? When internal and external, spiritual and practical life becomes one?
Vedanta (Name changed), USA |
Supreme Peace is what you are searching for
Simple answer to your question is – “Supreme Peace” is what you are searching for. Attaining the “Eternal Bliss” is your Goal. I know you are lost and this is because it is the most difficult answer to grasp in its entirety.
And even if I write millions of words and you read billions of words on internet and from books you cannot experience that Supreme Peace..not even a small bit of it. This is because words can only ‘describe’ the experience, but cannot ‘give’ that experience. Even God or Guru cannot give experience of eternal peace to someone. How can one explain the color of sky to someone who is born blind? How can one explain test of sweets to someone who do not have test buds developed at all? Explaining ‘that peace’ is NOT possible. Only thing that is possible is to compare it with something similar that we have experienced in our life. Unfortunately there is none like that we can ever experience with the life that we have. It is you who must seek, search and achieve the Bliss. It is you who must walk every step of this painful journey of millions of miles.
This is because we as human beings have not developed appropriate tools to experience the “Supreme Peace”. This is the reason you are searching. Yoga, meditation, spiritual readings are the tools one can use to attain the supreme peace; searching is the only option until then. There are no quick answers. In fact, there are no answers. Not having questions is the only answer. Sustained Vichara (thinking) will take you in that direction.
Here is how Swami Sivananda explains human struggle
Yogi Swami Sivananda Saraswati |
“Every man in the world is restless and is striving after something. What it is he does not know. In the accomplishment of ambitious projects he seeks the rest that he feels he is in need of but he finds that worldly greatness, when secured, is a snare and a delusion. He does not find any real happiness or peace in it. He gets degrees, titles, honors, power, name, and fame. He marries, he begets children, he gets all he had supposed would give him happiness. But he finds no rest. Pious men, saints, sages declare that this restlessness of every man, this state of discontent, dissatisfaction and uncomfortableness, of being ill at ease with himself and his surroundings, is solely due to the loss of the companionship of the partner of his soul, God.”
Here is how peace is explained:
“Peace is absolute serenity and tranquility, wherein all the mental modifications, thoughts, imagination, whims, fancies, moods, impulses and emotions, instincts etc., cease entirely and the individual soul rests in his own native, pristine glory, in an unruffled state. It is not, of course, the temporary condition of mental quietude which worldly people speak of in common parlance, when they retire for a short time to a solitary bungalow in a forest for a short rest. Peace is the fourth state of super-consciousness. It is the realm of supreme bliss, eternal life and eternal sunshine, where cares, worries, anxieties and fears which torment the soul here, dare not enter; where all distinctions of caste, creed and color vanish altogether in the one embrace of the divine love and where desires and cravings find their full satiety
Peace is within. Search for it in the chambers of your heart through one pointed concentration and meditation. If you do not find peace there, you will not find it anywhere else. Remember, dear friends, that the goal of life is attainment of peace and not the achievement of power, fame and wealth.
Desire is the greatest enemy of peace. There is no peace for him who has no concentration. There can be no happiness for the un-peaceful. In that supreme peace all pains, all sorrows, miseries, tribulations vanish forever.
The peace of the eternal lies near those who know themselves, who are disjoined from desire and passion, subdued in nature and of subdued thoughts. The man who is endowed with supreme faith and who has mastery over his senses quickly gets supreme peace.”
This peace is called “Moksha”. One who has attained this peace is called “Jivanmukta” or the liberated one.
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 3, Verse 19
“The highest ideal for every Sadhak (Practitioner) is `Siddha-Avasthaa' i.e. state of perfection or `Moksha' i.e. release from the cycle of multiple births and deaths (also known as Divine Awareness, The Bliss, Sat-Chit-Ananda, Chaitanya or Supreme Awareness.) As a result of the knowledge of the Self, a Yogi has nothing left in balance, which is yet to be acquired for anyone including himself. It is all the same to him whether he performs an action or does not perform it. If such a Yogi has nothing to do gain or lose from others then as per the modern principle of `the path of the least action', his logical choice must be inaction and not action; as he has nothing to achieve for himself as well as for others.....In the rhythm of incessantly beating of heart, a Sadhak carries out various mundane worldly activities without even noticing every single beat of his heart. Absence of attachment leads to pacification of mind; thus work and rest go on as if reflex actions. Mind made calm in this way becomes capable of grasping the Self. Calmness of mind is the essential pre-requisite for the knowledge of the Self.”
After reading all this it is up to you to see how you want to see it. You have the right to an opinion and the freedom to arrive at your own conclusions.
So how do I achieve this thing called “supreme peace”, you ask?
There are many answers to “How” part of this question. The only obstacle between you and the God (or Bliss) is your mind. The ultimate goal is “destruction of your mind” by using various methods that suite your nature, heart and character. You will be merged with the bliss the moment your mind is destroyed. This union with the divine is the goal of your life. This union with the One is what every Yogi seeks. You will be the God the day your mind will be destroyed.
Supreme peace is achieved only after our mind is destroyed completely - 100% of mind will have to be destroyed before eternal peace is achieved. I can write millions of words here but they won’t make any sense beyond what I wrote in one sentence “100% destruction of your mind”.
Yoga, meditation, Prayers, Guru, Namasmaran, Anusandhan, sustained thinking (and many more methods mentioned in Vedantic literature) are the tools that one can use to achieve this goal. Yoga is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious development of body, mind and soul. Everyone can follow one Yoga as their primary Yoga (based on their character). Then we must combine Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga. This “Yoga Synthesis” will lead one to the God.
If you don’t have time or inclination to use Yoga or related methods, you are free to find your own tools and methods that will work for you to achieve this goal of “Complete destruction of your mind as you know it”. God has given you 100% freedom of actions to achieve this goal. Remember at the same time: law of karma comes with a premium – it is the only law that binds human life - "reap as you sow" – Everything about Law of Karma.
You are traveling in the right direction
I would like to assure you – you are going in the right direction. You may think you are lost. But in reality you are travelling. How far is your destination? It is millions of miles away from where you are standing. How long will it take for you to reach the destination? It depends on your speed of walking.
Every journey is unique. Here is my journey as I have experienced so far - my divine journey in Siddha Yoga and Bhakti Yoga
There will a day when there will not be any questions. That will be the day when answers will not be required. The liberation or the Supreme peace is not too far away from this point on.
Try to peek inside, there is much bigger universe within us. The creator of this universe (The eternal Bliss) is waiting to embrace you!
Best of luck!.
Thank you. Mahendra Joshi
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