Read this little story anytime you feel Down or Depressed!
...and Must read when you are captured by the Ego or Attachment!!
Happiness is a Journey - from darkness (Mudhawastha) to the light (Parmananda
- Bliss)
Asato Ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya, Mrtyorma Amrtam Gamaya |
You and the Little Candle - A Story of your divine journey |
It is dark everywhere. There is a little candle in your hand. Your hands are shaking.
I know, the candle does not light your entire path, but it is sufficient enough
to see the things around your feet. You will see snakes, raccoons, wolves, critters,
worms and caterpillars all around you.....and there are few beautiful flowers and
plants too....and if you see carefully, there is a dog walking with you.
Be vigilant and careful at every step. As long as you don't step on the snakes they
will not bite you. The snakes will hiss at you, they will scare you, but hold that
candle tight. Nothing can hurt you as long as you carry the candle....and don't
waste your time in plucking the flowers. They are there to divert your attention,
to make you fall in the trap...again and keep you in the snake pit for
...and there will be few storms on the way. It will appear that the candle is going
to be blown away soon. But don't let that happen. Complain and scream as much as
you want
, but NEVER DROP the candle,
because this candle is the only source that will save you eventually.
Divine light will protect you in the storms |
Keep walking. As you walk more you will see a little light far away. It is a small
hut. You may feel this is just a coincidence. No it is not!
This is an arrangement
made for you. That is your first destination. There is no one in that hut...but
there is food for you, to provide enough energy to reach to the next destination.
It is time for you to rest some, enjoy the light and start walking again....alone....and
in the dark!
The snakes are still there, but they are less aggressive now. And there are more
flowers around....but don't touch them anyway, let them not deceive you. And as
you walk more, you will see the cover of darkness is slowly melting. Your companion,
the dog, is still there with you.
Now the snakes have become harmless, and as you progress more you will realize they
were not even the snakes and the raccoons, but they were just the ropes and rocks
scattered all over. You thought they were snakes and raccoons only because it was
dark. Now you are smiling.
...and you keep walking. Now there are a clear signs of the dawn. Early morning
rays are breaking out of the sky. There is no need for the candle anymore because
there is enough light everywhere you can see. You can clearly see the path and the
destination that is still far away. You don't have that anxiety, nor the fear.
Now you know, the dog was your companion that was protecting you all along. He never
expected anything from you. His only job was to serve his master and remove your
Look at you! Now you are a divine deer. One that is away from the heard, whose eyes
are fixed on the goal and it is peaceful and blissful. The deer is enjoying every
bit of his journey because he sees everything as beautiful. There is no fear in
his eyes because he knows he is protected by the divine grace.
The snakes of passion, attachment, fear, anxiety, desire and emotion have left him
long time back. Darkness of Maya (illusion of the world's existence) has turned
into a beautiful rainbow of the divine light. The entire universe is beautiful and
blissful for You!!!
Divine rainbow God's bliss. |
Keep walking, With the dog, With grace and with gratitude. Still there is a long
distance for you to travel! Don't worry, the dog will take you there. It is his
job, assigned by the master. It is an enjoyable journey here effortless
journey henceforth!!!
It is an ocean of Bliss...with waves of bliss far as you can see!!!
- (For those that know Marathi - "Anandache Dohi Ananda Tarang")
So far you were seeking the God! Now, God is seeking you!!!
Be a Divine Deer, to Enjoy the Bliss!
Divine seeker enjoying the freedom and waiting for the Bliss. There is no fear in
his eyes. Snake cannot even touch him. |
"Asato ma sadgamaya, Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, Mrtyorma amrtam gamaya" - (Brhadaranyaka
God, Lead me from the Asat to the Sat, Lead me from darkness to light, Lead me from
death to immortality.