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Happiness is our nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside - Ramana Maharshi

Q & A: Kundalini initiation and Guru Blessings possible in old age?
Despite my best efforts to 'not participate completely or get lost' in the beautiful and intricate drama of real life, I have been only successful only partially. To have the understanding that "wakeful life and dream life are exactly same, excepting the dimensional aspect of wakeful events" all the time, is very hard to cling on to! However, there have been good number of instances which could have taken an ugly turn had I not "not participated".

Is it possible to seek the blessings of a Guru, to receive initiation of "Kundalini" at this age? From the circumstances of my present life, I am not sure if I will have such a blessing to manifest by itself.

Thanks and best regards.

Somaiya (Name changed), USA

About your question: "Is it possible to seek the blessings of a Guru, to receive initiation of "Kundalini" at this age? From the circumstances of my present life, I am not sure if I will have such a blessing to manifest by itself."

Short answer is: Yes absolutely. You can seek a Guru at any age. Earlier the better

Here is the long answer:

Only fortunate people seek Guru

It is absolutely great to develop a desire to have blessings of Guru. Fortunate are those who feel the need of a Guru and wish to have a Guru. Those who have done spiritual efforts in the past life certainly get a Guru in this life. Having a Guru is a sure sign of spiritual fortune. At the same time, having a Guru does not necessarily mean this person will use his fortune (of being blessed by Guru) to further develop his spiritual status in current life. Spirituality or Divinity in material life is a path of zig-zag progress where Sadhak (seeker or spiritual practitioner) falls off his path several times and comes back to seek spirituality many times. Some times he may even forget or stop his Sadhana (spiritual efforts) for several years. Everything depends on spiritual passion (or material dispassion) and Sattvik Bhava (divine status) of the Sadhak in combination of his past Karma.

Talking about age: There is no appropriate age to seek a Guru or start Divine journey. Every age has its own downside that individual has to overcome if he/she has to travel the path of spirituality. In adulthood it is the wealth and sex desires that distract human mind from spirituality while in old age it is the collection of past memories and health issues that are the hindrances. In short every age has its own limitations. Therefore, in my view, one should never think of age when initiating in the path of spirituality.

Most of the times spirituality starts in the form of a seed where person shows little interest in spirituality and God initially. At some point of time this seed germinates in the right environment and spirituality grows. Right environment is generally a stage where the life has settled and person has realized that everything in the life is temporary, desires are harmful and he is running just like a hamster behind illusive Sukh (happiness) which is always temporary (even if he is able to achieve it after tremendous efforts.)

Divine progress happens in subtle body

Another important point is: divine progress always works on the inner Koshas of human life. Age is a phenomenon of the Physical body (Annamaya Kosha). Spirituality (or God) always works (or progresses) in Pranmay Kosh (Vital Air Sheath), Manomay Kosh (mind as distinctly different from intelligence - Sheath) and Vigyanmay Kosh (Intellect Sheath) and eventually develops in Aanandmay Kosh.

In other words Divinity always germinates and grows in Linga Sharira (Subtle or Astral body) and Karana Sharira (Causal body) and is absolutely away from Sthula Sharira (gross or physical body.) The only purpose Age (of a Gross body) serves is – Spiritual progress can take place only in a health body. Seed of spirituality needs a healthy body to germinate…everything else happens in a plane of mind.

At the same time one should be aware that after getting initiated in path of Yoga (it may be Mantra Yoga, Raja Yoga, Kundalini or any other Yoga) is just the start of a long spiritual journey which most of the times spans across many lives.

Note of caution before seeking Kundalini Deeksha or a Shaktipat Guru

Here is a note of caution for seekers of Kundalini Deeksha or a Shaktipat Guru:

Self-Realization (The Bliss) is the goal of Siddha Yoga. It takes consistent, conscious and sincere efforts of several decades (perhaps several lives) before one can attain Self-Realization. Please try to understand this Yoga, its benefits, its limitations and its restrictions before adopting this path. The least minimum effort you will need to do is – Meditation of at least 30-45 minutes every day. Siddha Yoga is ONLY for those who carry ability to do efforts in the long term irrespective of their age. Do not follow Siddha Yoga if your timeline is of few months or years.

Hope this helps.

Thank you.
Mahendra Joshi

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Q & A: Kundalini initiation and Guru Blessings possible in old age? Topics: Kundalini and Guru, Spritual Master, God

Yoga is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious development of body, mind and soul. Everyone should follow one Yoga as their primary Yoga (based on their character). Then we must combine Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga. This “Yoga Synthesis” will lead one to the God.
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Kundalini Yoga is also known by the names: Siddha Yoga, Sahaj Yoga, Shaktipat Yoga, Maha Yoga, Shakti Yoga or Kriya Yoga