Date Sent: October 28, 2014
QUOTE: It is absolutely true that there is a way to reach the fourth dimension. There is a way to attain the fourth state...And we can attain that state while we are living this very life. There is nothing after death other than the state of transition. We Can and Must attain the 4th state in human life only.
Logic, Karma and Vairagya - and the ultimate Release from the cycle of Birth and Death!!
Little bit about Swami Sivananda today:
Many people think Swami Sivananda is difficult to understand and follow, but if you study him carefully, everything he writes is absolutely logical.
Everything is logical in divinity! Remember, God is NOT blind, NOT random, NOT biased. Those that cannot answer events in the life logically are Clueless. Wrong are those that ascribe everything to God's 'Blind' Will (because it is not blind.)
Life appears to be cruel, harsh and illogical to many because we see good people suffering and bad people being rewarded. God appears to be biased, random and blind from the events that we see happening everywhere that do not make sense.
The fact is 'all that is just a Veneer or Appearance'. In reality, everything underneath is following a perfect order in the entire universe. Everyone suffers because of their own Karma. There is a reason why someone is born blind or crippled. It is NOT God's Will that caused them to be born blind or crippled! It is their own Karma from one of the previous lives. God's Will does just the deliverance of the Karma.
God is 100% Freedom and Logic. God does not stop anyone from doing their Karma, nor will be come to help when it is time to consume fruit of that Karma. Be brave and consume it! I know it hurts, but that is the Law of you sow, so you reap!!! When criminal commits his crime he is creating his Karma to be consumed in one of the future lives. The victim will suffer only if it is time to consume his past Karma. Action of the criminal and victim's sufferings appear to be related to each other, but they are NOT related AT ALL. 99.99% of people of this world think these actions are related, but they are absolutely NOT. The appearance of they being related is called Mudhavastha (stupefied state of mind).
God does not punish or reward people based on his sweet will. God's WILL is perfectly Logical. God is fair and gives us exactly what we deserve. Stop complaining or blaming others for your state. Get-up, clean-up you past Karmas (by consuming) and doing good Karmas in this life, consume your Prarabdha Karma (Karma consequences assigned to be consumed in the current life) and the next life will be much better....and follow the path of divinity because if you don't, then you are bound to the wheel of birth and death for ever.
Facebook Share: Everything about Karma
It is absolutely true that there is a way to reach the fourth dimension. There is a way to attain the fourth state...And we can attain that state while we are living this very life. There is nothing after death other than the state of transition. We Can and Must attain the 4th state in human life only. It may be this life or one of the future ones, but the forth state Must be attained while we are living in the first three states. I will write more about the forth state in the next email.
Back to Swami Sivananda: He was a doctor by profession in his young age. Even though logical, his writings are extremely difficult to follow in day to day life. It is close-to-impossible to attain the goal. That is why 95% of those that start divine journey give-up within a year or two. Only 1 in millions reaches the goal! Swami Sivananda became Jivanmukta (liberated soul) one of those millions, the one that attained the Eternal Bliss.
Interesting facts Swami Sivananda: He was a surgeon in Malaysia. One day Dr.Kuppuswami (who later became Swami Sivananda) had an opportunity to cure a wandering Sannyasin (renunciate or Monk) who then gave the doctor instruction on Yoga and Vedanta. From that day on his life changed, and gradually Dr. Kuppuswami became more introspective and could not stop pondering the great questions of life. Filled with a tremendous desire for spiritual growth and enlightenment Kuppuswami went to North India in search of his Guru. Dr.Kuppuswami wandered all over India sleeping on the streets, going without food for days, and eating bread and water some days....after several years of efforts he attained the state of Bliss....He has written over 200 books on Vedanta and Yoga...Absolutely Wonderful!!!...a treasure for those who are seeking to attain the 4th state.
I am King of Kings -
Description of Blissful state in Swami Sivananda's own words.
----------------- about Vairagya - By Swami Sivananda:
There is a way to the immortal abode and supreme happiness. There is a way to the fourth dimension. That way is vairagya. Follow the way. Vairagya is dispassion, desirelessness or non-attachment. It is indifference to sensual objects herein and hereafter. It is born of and sustained by right discrimination.
Vairagya is the opposite of attachment which binds a man to the wheel of births and deaths; vairagya liberates a man from bondage. Vairagya purifies the sensual mind and turns it inward. It is the most important qualification for a spiritual aspirant. Without it, no spiritual life is possible.
The two currents of the mind - attraction and repulsion - really constitute the world of births and deaths. A worldly man is a slave of these two mighty currents and is tossed about hither and thither like a piece of straw. He smiles when experiencing pleasure; he weeps when in pain. He clings to pleasant objects and runs away from those which cause pain.
Wherever there is sensation of pleasure, the mind gets glued, as it were, to the object that gives pleasure. This is what is called attachment and brings only bondage and pain. When the object is withdrawn, or when it perishes, the mind suffers unspeakable pain. Attraction is the rootcause for human suffering.
A dispassionate man has a different training and has different experience altogether. He is a pastmaster in the art or science of separating himself from the impermanent, perishable objects. He has absolutely no attraction for them and constantly dwells in the eternal. He stands adamantine as a peak amidst a turbulent storm, as a spectator of this wonderful worldshow. A dispassionate man has no attraction for pleasant objects and no repulsion for painful ones. Nor is he afraid of pain. He knows well that pain helps considerably in his progress and evolution, in his journey towards the goal. He is convinced that pain is the best teacher. |