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Happiness is our nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside - Ramana Maharshi

 Why meditate?
Date Sent: March 16, 2013

It is that Plain and Simple!

God is not about gaining anything, it is about losing everything (tons of trash of 'mind' we carry). It is that blissful liberation!

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Why should we meditate????

Buddha was asked:
"What have you gained from meditation?"

He replied:

"However", Buddha said, "let me tell you what I lost:
Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old Age and Death."

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Why meditate? Topics: God

Yoga is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious development of body, mind and soul. Everyone should follow one Yoga as their primary Yoga (based on their character). Then we must combine Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga. This “Yoga Synthesis” will lead one to the God.
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Kundalini Yoga is also known by the names: Siddha Yoga, Sahaj Yoga, Shaktipat Yoga, Maha Yoga, Shakti Yoga or Kriya Yoga