Happiness is our nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside - Ramana Maharshi
Scientific "Invention" - "DNA
as Storage System"
What the Science and Scientists
don’t know yet?
Vedas and Science of Kundalini
- Perfect Technical Data Management
Modern Science and Scientists - Flat Earth
What is human life?
What is science?
What is scientific “Invention”?
What are Vedas?
What is Upanishad or Vedanta?
What is Bhagavad Gita? |
Scientific "Invention" - from Wall
Street Journal - "DNA as Storage System" |
In terms of “Life science” the Science, Scientists and the West in general are "always", I mean "always" late...Thousands of years late.
Science and scientists first reject “Life science from Vedas”, spend few hundred years and billions of dollars researching the topic, and come back and prove the same thing that was written in Vedanta, thousands of years later. That is science!
Here is today's report (Jan 25, 2013) from "Technology" section of Wall Street Journal....for
those who don't believe in anything but science.
Wall Street Journal says “Scientists” have "Proved" that "DNA works as data storage" - and people are hailing this as a great “invention”.
Come-on scientists and Wall Street Journal, this is old "stuff"
from our ancient
scriptures called Vedas!
(In fact you will find many more "Technical" details on this website on “how the
System works” which were written years back.)

DNA Strand as a Storage device |
Harvard scientists are claiming that:
"A DNA-based storage system requires no maintenance, no electricity and no backward compatibility requirements to retrieve the data. The data can be stored under normal conditions, "for centuries:...A
device the size of your thumb could store as much information as the whole Internet"
Here is one more related report:
"A bioengineer and geneticist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have successfully stored
5.5 petabits of data — around 700 terabytes — in a single gram of DNA... DNA as
just another digital storage device. Instead of binary data being encoded as magnetic
regions on a hard drive platter, strands of DNA that store 96 bits are synthesized,
with each of the bases (TGAC) representing a binary value (T and G = 1, A and C
= 0)" -
Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram

Coding and decoding from DNA storage |
Is there anything new in this? Not at all! Everything of this and lot more is explicitly written in Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita (collectively termed as Vedanta) thousands of years back. The fact is, the science hasn’t even scratched the surface of DNA and its storage capacity with this “invention”. These are the baby steps towards the goal of Human Life that is set thousands of years back.
WoW Science and WoW scientists!!
Note the word "Backward compatibility" in scientist’s statement above - "Backward compatibility" means the ability to store and access data from previous versions of software or hardware. This is exactly what is "subtle and physical bodies across multiple births" in terms of Vedas.
Let me tell you with an absolute assurance, these guys (scientists) don't know nothing (an American way of saying it.) The science of DNA, Kundalini and Karma is absolutely beyond imagination of these people. Everything (in the reports above), much more
and beyond is already written in Vedas and Upanishads.

Rishi (sage) writing Vedas, Upanishads or Shruti (revealed truths) about Brahman
(ultimate reality) |
I have come across several people who believe in
Karma but have hard time believing in how
Karma impressions are stored to be retrieved across multiple births. They will take help of science (which in itself is very limited just like human intelligence) and tend to reject Karma "Storage" philosophy. Today scientists told us that DNA can “store data”, obviously, few thousand years from now, scientists will tell us about how Karma impressions are stored in DNA and people that time will celebrate it as a great "invention"… HA! So much for science!
What the Science and Scientists don’t know yet? |
Scientists have “discovered” only the basic storage capacity of DNA. There is lot more these scientists don’t know yet, which is already written in the Vedic texts.
There are many system devices (other than DNA) and I/O processes scientists have
yet to discover.
In fact, I have written many technical details on this site few years back (no ego intended, it is all with the grace of my Guru) and this is not even my knowledge but a drop taken out of Vedantic philosophy which is written thousands of years back.
Scientists are in extremely primitive stage with respect to “Life Science”. They still don’t know nothing about - How the system I/O devices coordinate to produce a marvel machine called “Cycle of life and death that runs on the energy of Maya”. Scientists will need tens of thousands of years to find what was revealed to Rishis and Sages and is written in the Vedic texts already.
Here are the "Technical" processes that scientists don’t know anything about that
are clearly mentioned in Vedanta (and to some extent on this site).
- How the life “Data is stored”? (Memory and Space Management)
How the Karma “Data is preserved and retrieved for later use”? (System I/O commands)
- How the Karma data space is rearranged? (Cut, Copy & Paste commands)
How the Karma data can be deleted – Burning of Karma? (Delete commands and System
- How the death happens? (System Reboot)
- Self-Realization and The Bliss (System Formatting)
Vedas and Science of Kundalini
- Perfect Technical Data Management |
Here are some pages on this site that provide technical details which scientists
have yet to "invent" 
These pages are extremely spiritually technical that explain what scientists have
yet to discover - like "Memory and space management, Data preservation and retrieval
for later use, System I/O commands, How the Karma data can be deleted (system defragmentation),
death or System reset"
"The Karma impressions are stored in subtly body of every living being. This subtle body carries and stores impressions (billions of images, thoughts and karma data) from various births…The Sanchita Karma (as well as Prarabdha karma) are stored in
Chittakash space or our Karmic body (There are three spaces every living being lives
in – Chidakasha - Supreme Consciousness, Bhutakash - the physical body and Chittakash
- thoughts and emotions)”
Read here - How Karmic account balance is maintained and dispensed?
“Going beyond the storage, the subtle body also has the "Template" of original DNA sequence. It is this template from which physical body is created before birth and the "thumb-sized" linga-body after death...In the internal astral body there are
counterparts of organs outside. They are called astral senses. A yogi hears through
astral ears and sees through astral eyes. Thus he can hear sounds from distant lands,
he can see objects in distant localities. This is called clairvoyance and clairaudience."
Read here -
Subtle or Astral body (Linga Sharira)
Yogis and Rishis (sages) have mentioned that Kundalini can cure diseases. How can Kundalini cure a decease? Because she has access to this "original DNA template" that can be copied and used to “correct the wrong DNA sequence”. This “correction of wrong DNA sequence” is what we call as "Cure of decease". "Each
of us has an etheric double, which is the coarsest of the subtle counterparts of
our physical body. This and some subplanes of the astral are the level or home of
an 'elemental', associated with the innate consciousness of the physical body....Kundalini
and ORMEs both function, in large part, in 4th dimensional astral levels. The original
subtle "backup copy" of the DNA is readily available to them, at the precise place
where it is needed, right at the damage site in the errant cell's DNA. The subtle
part lies, superimposed 4th dimensionally, right where the physical part is, and
there is no problem at all, in seeing where the two don't agree. There are a variety
of mechanisms that repair DNA. In some cases, given sufficient ORMEs in the system,
Kundalini simply uses the ORMEs as a mechanism, like a read/write head so-to-speak,
in repairing the damage. ORMEs are used to transfer a resonance from the subtle
template, to guide the DNase, polymerase, endonuclease, and other various enzymes
in removing and recoding the damaged base sequences. Each of the bases has a distinct
vibrational signature, which the enzymes have no trouble at all in recognizing."
Read more at “Kriyas
- Scientific reason behind Kundalini Healing”
Here is something about “Cut and Paste” process where Karma data is either deleted
or stored at different location (time period and different life scheduling). These
things are possible only for those who is "local administrator" for the system.
Local system administrators (Guru) are generally only the System Security people
(Management at Divine level) who have access to your system (life events). Read
more at
How can God help if he cannot change Karma?
...and here is the System Formatting (Self-Realization) -
Blissful state
Modern Science and Scientists - Flat
Earth philosophy |
The whole concept of "Modern Science" is nothing but a concept similar to "Flat
earth". The "Flat earth" philosophy rejects the "Vedantic" philosophy at first, then it is proved “scientifically”....and the story repeats every time.
Western "Scolders" until recently (18th or 19th century) strongly
believed in "flat earth". Unfortunately for Galileo (17th century
physicist/mathematician/astronomer/philosopher) he claimed the Earth was spherical
and rotated around the Sun and therefore spent rest of his life under house arrest.
My dear friends - Everything about life science, Divine and the attainment of the
Divine is very clearly articulated in Vedanta (Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita
and many more old scriptures.)
Here is your choice:
- Try to understand the Vedas today
- Wait few thousand years for scientists to prove the same thing.
I wish good luck to all scientists! Come-on guys, please hurry up and invent
the things that we knew thousands years back.
Here is another interesting story about “Dwarka City” from few thousand years back
12,000 year old Dwarka city of Lord Krishna found
Here are some interesting “Scientific” Facts about “Life science” from Vedanta
What is human life?
Human life is a microscopic part of the “Existence” which according to Vedanta is
categorized into three parts:
- The God - The Divine Awareness or the Bliss
- The Soul - 'Self' or Atman
- The Maya - illusory power of the Lord.
What is science? |
Science is tool of amplifying “Maya”. (Maya is everything that we perceive
with our 5 sense organs, mind & intellect.)
ONLY he who gets knowledge of the 'Self' having overcome Maya or the illusory power,
will alone know what Maya is, how it arises and is destroyed. Everyone else remains
under full control of this illusion, so does the science.
Since science is bound within perception of 5 sense organs and mind, the Science
cannot go beyond Maya.
What is scientific “Invention”? |
Anything (that cannot be perceived with our sense organs) when amplified with the
help of scientific tools is perceived with our sense organs. This event is called
“scientific invention”.
For example: Molecule, atoms, electrons and neutrons cannot be seen by human eye.
A scientific device (microscope) is used to amplify and therefore prove the existence of atoms,
electrons and neutrons. Such a find is called “invention”.
In my view, everything about “life science” is a “discovery” (not invention) because
everything that science has found so far and will find in the future is already
written in Vedanta.
What are Vedas? |
The Vedas ("knowledge") are a large body of texts originated in ancient India thousands
years back. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of
Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
The Vedas are Apauruṣeya ("not of human agency"). They are supposed to have been
directly revealed, and thus are called Shruti ("what is heard"), distinguishing them
from other religious texts, which are called Smṛti ("what is remembered"). The Vedic
Shruti are organized around four canonical collections of metrical material known
as Sahmhitas, of which the first three are related to the performance of Yajna (sacrifice)
in ancient Vedic religion:
- The Rigveda: containing hymns to be recited by the hotr
- The Yajurveda: containing formulas to be recited by the adhvaryu or officiating
- The Samaveda: containing formulas to be sung by the udgatr
- The Atharvaveda: collection of spells and incantations, apotropaic
charms and speculative hymns.
What is Upanishad or Vedanta? |
Upanishads or
Vedanta represents the philosophical portion of the Vedas. Upanishads or Vedanta
form the theoretical basis for the Hindu religion. The Upanishads are considered
to contain Shruti (revealed truths) concerning the “Brahman” (nature of ultimate
reality) and describing the character and form of moksha (liberation from the cycle
of birth and death.) The goal of Vedanta is for the seeker to have the direct experience
of his or her true nature, and it is the science for the highest level of illumination
(enlightenment) possible in human life.
What is Bhagavad Gita? |
The Bhagavad-Gita is the eternal message of spiritual wisdom from ancient India.
The word Gita means song and the word Bhagavad means God, often the Bhagavad-Gita
is called the Song of God.
The Song of the God, often referred to as simply the Gita is a dialogue between
Lord Krishna and Arjuna, narrated in the Bhishma-Parva of the Mahabharata. It comprises
eighteen chapters of a total of 701 Sanskrit verses. On the battle-field of Kurukshetra,
Lord Krishna, during the course of His most interesting and instructive talk with
Arjuna, revealed the profound spiritual truths, and expounded to him the rare secrets
of Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga.
The Gita is the cream of the Vedas. It is the essence of the Upanishads. It is the
universal scripture for all people of all temperaments and for all times. It is
a wonderful book with divine thoughts and practical instructions on Yoga, Bhakti,
Vedanta and action. All the teachings of Lord Krishna were subsequently recorded
as the Song Celestial or the Bhagavad Gita by Sri Bhagavan Vyasa for the benefit
of humanity at large.
Bhagavad-Gita reveals secrets of how to attain the liberation or Moksha (union with
the Divine)
Moksha as described in Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 3, Verse 19
The highest ideal for every Sadhak is 'Siddha-Avasthaa' i.e. state of perfection
or 'Moksha' i.e. release from the cycle of multiple births and deaths. As a result
of the knowledge of the Self, a Yogi has nothing left in balance, which is yet to
be acquired for anyone including himself. It is all the same to him whether he performs
an action or does not perform it. If such a Yogi has nothing to do gain or lose
from others then as per the modern principle of `the path of the least action',
his logical choice must be inaction and not action; as he has nothing to achieve
for himself as well as for others.....In the rhythm of incessantly beating of heart,
a Sadhak carries out various mundane worldly activities without even noticing every
single beat of his heart. Absence of attachment leads to pacification of mind; thus
work and rest go on as if reflex actions. Mind made calm in this way becomes capable
of grasping the Self. Calmness of mind is the essential pre-requisite for the knowledge
of the Self.
Yoga is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious
development of body, mind and soul. Everyone should follow one Yoga as their primary
Yoga (based on their character). Then we must combine Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja
Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga. This “Yoga Synthesis” will lead one to the God.
Kundalini Yoga is also known by the names: Siddha Yoga, Sahaj Yoga, Shaktipat Yoga,
Maha Yoga, Shakti Yoga or Kriya Yoga