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Happiness is our nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside - Ramana Maharshi

Q & A: I am devotee of Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth, How do I meditate?
how to start meditation and reach each stage Mana-maya kosha. Why mind is always occupied with question and finding the answers when I sit to do meditation. How to avoid that?

When I do the meditation by open eyes and look at god feel circles around with green light but want that when I close my mind and eye to concentrate on soul. Please can you tell me how can I do meditation? - ShriSwami Samarth

Sriram (Name changed), UK

Here are my thoughts:

Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth is always with you

It is absolutely wonderful to know about your devotion towards Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth. In my view, you are very much on the right path. The only thing you need is a very clear understanding that you are progressing in the right direction and that Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth is always with you as long as you are in anusandhan with Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth. Another important awareness that is required is: The path that we are traveling is probably of several lives (for some seekers of God it might be a shorter one), therefore, we as the sadhaks need to be patient and not get distracted if we do not see the expected signs or get the experiences that we expect on our journey to the God – which is Sat-chit-Anand or Chaitanya or Moksha.

Bhakti-yoga is the supreme yoga that God loves the most

From the details you provided it appears to me that you are a follower of bhakti-yoga, which I consider more powerful yoga, even more supreme than the Siddha yoga (which is path of awareness or consciousness through shakti-pat deeksha).

In my view, you absolutely do not need any help from anyone in this world. I consider Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth as an incarnation of Dattatreya (called Purnavatar in Marathi). Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth is already helping you on your path from mumukshu to sadhana and he WILL continue to do so. Let there be no doubt about this in your mind.

Continue to do sadhana (meditation)

What you need to do is to continue to do sadhana (meditation the way you are doing) and most important: give long time frame for your transformation from titiksha phase into mumukshu phase. How long time? For some it may be months and for some it may be several lives. Everything depends on the past karma impressions of the sadhak and the percentage of sattva-guna they are carrying with them…and we as individuals do not have count of both, hence the best approach is to not get worried if we do not see progress or do not get experiences.

Continue meditation and have absolute faith in Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth

You need to do the following things:

• Continue to do your daily meditation (whether you have thoughts in mind or not is not important), you sitting for the meditation is most important part.

• Keep reading about Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth at least one page every day. That will bring stability and direction to your thoughts to some extent.

• Do every effort that will help you increase your faith in Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth.

• Anusandhan – the awareness of his presence in everything you do. This is not an easy task and takes several lives to attain the goal. But the goal can be achieved only when we walk one step at a time.

• Have absolute faith that Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth that he is never away from you (absolutely never). Every moment he is with you as long as you are able to stay in his anusandhan. He is away from you only when you are away from him (actually in those situations too he is there behind you.)

• Do every effort to raise your level of sattva guna. (spiritual readings, meditation and most important ‘Seva’ at one of the Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth temples near your place – this is the best of all)

• Always remember, the experiences on the any road are just the signs on the road. It is the job of the driver to look at the signs. You are a traveler; you don’t need to look at the signs. You have most skilled driver (faith in Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth) that is capable to take you to your destination.
Now going into specifics of your questions:

How to start meditation and reach each stage Mana-maya kosha?

It is the sattva guna that takes the person from annamaya kosh to manomay to gyanmaya to anandmaya. Higher the percentage of sattva guna more the person is close to the anandmaya kosh. So do every effort to raise your sattva guna (religious reading, sadhana and ‘seva’)

Why mind is always occupied with question during the meditation?

Human mind can’t remain empty, thinking is a natural process that continues even during meditation. The thought process is driven by the past karma, current status of your material life. No one can change the direction of the process in few days that took lives to build. The only thing that can change is consistent efforts over a long period of time. Once a sadhak accepts this fact, things will start appearing normal. One step every day without missing any day is the key to success.

God is beyond experiences – so ignore all signs and experiences

Another view is: It is very much natural that a person in titiksha phase is always expecting to see some signs on the road to the God. But as I said above, ignore all signs you see (or divine experiences you get) because signs or experiences are not God. The God is beyond everything. He is chaitanya or ananda or eternal bliss. There is nothing to experience at that level, therefore why worry about the experiences during the journey.

When I do the meditation by open eyes and look at god feel circles around with green light.

It’s the effect of “devotion” within you. The only thing I can say again is: ignore all experiences. They are not important. You staying in anunsandhan of Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth for longer period in a day is the key to success.

I consider Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth Samarth as an incarnation of Dattatreya (called Purnavatar in Marathi).

Detailed background about Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth Samarth

Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth (also called Sri Swami Samarth) is considered as extension of the fifteenth century incarnation of Lord Dattatraya, namely Sri Narasimha Saraswati. It is mentioned in the holy book of Gurucharitra that Sri Narasimha Saraswati entered into mahasamadhi in Kardalivana in 1458. He stayed in Samadhi for over 300 years and emerged from samadhi because a woodcutter accidentally cut through a tree and hit Sri Swami Samarth. This awakened Sri Narasimha Saraswati from the prolonged samadhi. That divine personality is now known as Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth Samarth. After emerging from samadhi Sri akkalkot swami samarth traveled all over the country.

Sri akkalkot swami samarth was an epitome of wisdom and knowledge and is considered an avadhoot: Maha-Yogi possessing great spiritual powers. He was always muttering mystic 'Mantras' or words that very few could understand. He expressed oneness with all creations. The splendor of Sri Swami Samarth and his glorious mission became more fully manifest, after his arrival in town of Akkalkot in Maharashtra. Sri Akkalkot Swami stayed in Akkalkot, for 22 years till his Mahasamadhi, showing the common man the path to the God. He is known to have performed several miracles for his devotees.

On the 3rd April 1878, He took mahasamadhi. His spiritual powers are experienced by thousands even now. Flow of pilligrims continues to Akkalkot every year. Those who go there for darshan of the samadhi, still feel the subtle powers of akkalkot swami samarth. They feel a definite response to their prayers. Some are healed of their sufferings and others find their desire fulfilled. Even though Sri akkalkot swami samarth is no longer in his bodily manifestation, He continues to guide his devotees.

Thank you.
Mahendra Joshi

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Q & A: I am devotee of Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth, How do I meditate? Topics: Meditation, Dhyana and Bhakti Yoga

Yoga is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious development of body, mind and soul. Everyone should follow one Yoga as their primary Yoga (based on their character). Then we must combine Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga. This “Yoga Synthesis” will lead one to the God.
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Kundalini Yoga is also known by the names: Siddha Yoga, Sahaj Yoga, Shaktipat Yoga, Maha Yoga, Shakti Yoga or Kriya Yoga