Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. "Law of Cause and Effect" or "As you sow,
so you reap". Any physical or mental action is karma.
Infinite chain of the results of actions and thoughts in the past is law of Karma.
We carry Karmic Baggage or Karmic Blessing depending on whether we’ve performed
positive or negative actions in the past.
“Law of Karma” is like a universal law say “Law of Gravity” - It applies whether
you accept or reject the law.
What is the driver behind the Karma? - It’s the Tri-Gunas!
Trigunas are the driver behind the thought, thought is the driver behind the action
Gunas is the seed – Karma is the tree – Consequence of the Karma is the fruit
Sattwic Gun = Satwik Karma = Satwik fruit = Person is more close to the God
Being a Seed, Karma fructifies or does not fructify immediately after it is sown.
The innumerable Karmic Seeds we produce by our various actions - desire, aversion,
love, hatred, happiness, etc. will undoubtedly produce, sooner or later, a positive
or negative result according to the nature of the seed, if not in this life, then
in some future one.
Types of Karmas:
Sanchita Karma (Sum Total Karma or "Accumulated actions" or the Arrows in the Quiver)
Praarabdha Karma (Fructifying Karma or "Actions began; set in motion" or Arrows
in Flight)
- Kriyamana Karma (Instant, Current Karma or "Being made" or Arrows in
- Aagami Karma (Future Karma)
Vikars (-Kama (Lust - deep desire, uncontrolled longing), -Krodh (Rage or uncontrolled
anger), -Lobh (Greed - strong desire for worldly possessions), -Moh (attachment
to worldly things and relations – causes ignorance or illusion) and -Ahankar (ego
- excessive pride due to one's possessions - leads to jealousy, feelings of enmity.)
give birth to lower level of karma (thoughts and actions) and lower level of Karma
generates more Vikars.
Rebirth - The journey of life (by the atman) from the first manifestation as an
amoeba to the last manifestation... the 8.4 millionth manifestation when life reaches
its pinnacle... the stage of an enlightened one being born... is the only crux of
life one needs to understand! The stage of enlightenment is when the atman within
a body liberates forever from the cycle of birth and death. It becomes free never
to manifest a body again. The soul having gained enlightenment lives in the kingdom
of God...
Highest percent of Satwa Guna = Uttam Karma = Vigyana-maya kosha to Ananda-maya
Raising the SatwaGun is the only way to break the cycle of bad karma.